Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Question of the Week #7

It has been officially announced that reactors in Japan's Daichi Nuclear PowerPlant are to be officially shutdown after they are able to be cooled. Plutonium has been now found in the soil around the plant, radiation in some foods, and the radiation levels in the sea water around the plant are now 3000 times the legal limit. Could the international community done more? (Explain and substantiate your answer)


Anonymous said...

I do not think that the international community could have done very much to help prevent leaking radiation. The only thing we might have been able to do was send people over to help cooldown the reactors, but that would still only be delaying the inevitable. Theres nothing we can really do now that radiation leevels have reached such high levels. Something we can do now to help is to send food to Japan, but really any help at all will do good.

-Jonathan B.

Jocelyn said...

As a international community we could all be sending over iodine to Japan. This will help protect some people who havn't been infected yet, or people who are close to the radiation but not in direct contact.

brianna said...

No, i dont really think the international community could have done much more to help. It sort od seemed like a lost cause, Japan was doing everything possible to cool them down.Japan did not seem very open to help either, they shot down the US' offer.We could be sending iodine tablets to help lessen the risk of some effects, like thyroid cancer for instance.

Sarahh said...

You can never be ready for such disasters, you can't plan them nor can you say exactly when and where they will happen. When this disaster hit Japan they were not ready for the difficult life and pain they would indure afterwards. There soil and sea water are filled with harmful chemicals above the legal limit By them just living and breathing there ,their are putting themselves in pain. At the time it all occured there wasn't much we could do, without putting ourselves in harm. They set up this thing by texting a number you were sending money towards healthcare but that only does so much. We could of sent more iodine instead of buying it for ourselves when they need it more so then us. We could of sent food, fresh waterm, comfort for a better tomorrow. The fact that all this did happen made everyone aware of just how bad off other countries could be. They lost there way of life and were worried about missing a tv show. Now that they are attempting to get back on there feet we need to do what we can to help.

oh1180 said...

I think that the international community could have done more because; the knowledge of the world together probably could have come up with an immediate and temporary solution to help prevent extreme leakage into the food, water and surrounding areas. There are so many brilliant minds in the world, people who dedicate their whole lives to solving crises nuclear problems and I believe that if everyone was truly paying attention to what was going on and truly knew what was going on, the situation would probably not have worsened to the extent that it is at now. I have found that people having been going on the news, and every kind of scholar is giving their opinion, yet none of them have done anything about it, and perhaps if they just acted upon what they said, it wouldn’t still be such a situation.

Sarahh said...

to olivia:

you can never be ready for such disasters to happen, but when they do your right people should take action and do what it takes to prevent more harm but how could you prevent extreme leakage from getting in to there food and water when it filled the air and made things worst?

Cripps said...

I dont believe that the international community could have done much more then they already have. Theres many concerns right now in Japan involving the radiation, such as radiation in the food water and air, maybe we could send over some fresh water as well as good food. Also sending over Iodine would be a good idea too to help against the risk of disease or sickness such as thyroid cancer.

katiepaige02 said...

I think that the internation community could done more. Something that comes to mind would be evacuating the surronding areas and offering a place for these people to come. We could easily be taking refuges from Japan. The country is in such a state that it will take a very long time to rebuild. Along with this the radiation is spreading quickly and leaving the people of Japan there with no place to go for safety is sad. Also, like others have said we could send iodine over to help those who have already been affected.

Mara said...

well.. if you wanted to risks peoples lives then sure, international community could have done more.
But for the protection of human safety, they couldn't.
It just seemed like a lost cost.
Maybe in the VERY VERY beginning they could have done something, such as use more water, investigate other areas that have dealt with this, etc.
But for now, they can't do much. Aside from helping them with Shelter/food/water/etc.

jrobichaud said...

I think that the internation community could have reacted faster. It seems to me that we only reacted when we found out that WE could be affected personally by their diaster. I think we should have reacted earlier, before we discovered this. It seems to me that we were being greedy and only caring about ourselves not the greater good of others.
(canada Am this morning talked of the legal limit being so much higher that 3000 times the legal limit, then followed with how our honda and toyota parts are already on backorder. I was surprised that they were mentioned this; not how people are/will be suffering)

martymci_13 said...

I can't see how they could have done more. because of what happened it all happened so fast it was out of our controle. all we can do now is try to get it under controle. and try and help the people who were effected by this incodent!

Anonymous said...

There wasnt much more that the international community could do to help the situation. Im sure if there was anything else they could dot hat they would have tried it. The only thing we can do now to help the poor people in Japan is to send over people to help rebuild their country and supply some sort of shelters and food for them to live off of.

Anonymous said...

Last comment was from Guimond