Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Question of the Week #1

Why do you personally think that the United States is still the only country in the Western World that does still not have universal healthcare for all? 


Unknown said...

There is no excuse for one of the world's super powers to still be living in the dark ages of health care. the US has a reputation of causing harm throughout third world country but when it comes to harming their own citizens such as dumping those who have no insurance, or making a man choose which finger he can afford is criminal.

Unknown said...

The elderly could end up paying more for their prescription drugs than they did before under Medicare Part D - and a majority of senior citizens could still pay over $2000 a year. that statistic alone is criminal by any standard because it force the elderly to continue working till they quite literally drop dead.

Unknown said...

I believe that the United States doesn't have universal health care because it would clash with the American Dream; that all those who work hard to make a living will make good money and be able to provide adequate health care and benefits to their family. If they where to have universal health care, payed through taxes, then this would mean that those who did not work hard to provide for themselves would get some of the same benefits as those who did. The hard workers would be against this and protests would begin.

Unknown said...

Possibly because the United States is probably one of the most nationalist countries in the world. They like to do things their own way and most likely believe that the way that they're running their healthcare services are best.